
我是 Harold Schellinx


May 28th, 2024 :: The variegated insameness of lawless strthings :: iconThe 52 tracks of 'ETUDE' investigate how a contemporary artificial hearer re-cognizes the (within a fixed format) basically lawless, micro-tonal and rhythmically free output of a tiny BASIC program that back in 1985 I wrote, 'poking' the Commodore 64's SID chip. Now available on Bandcamp. The download includes a 71 pages e-book with scores. [ read more __ ]

December 9th, 2024 :: Tussen nooit en nergens, of: de vouw in de kaart van de Dodendraad :: 加速猫加速器In mijn tiende Hoofd Stuk ga ik terug naar de gapende leegte rond grenspaal 93, de spacey gietijzeren obelisk die de Nederlands-Vlaamse grens markeert aan het uiterst noordwestelijke puntje van Maastricht. Daar groeide ik op. En daar ook liep ooit de Dodendraad, op de grens van nooit en nergens.[ Gonzo #154, november/december 2024 __ ]

September 14th, 2024 :: Freely improvised and non-academic electroacoustic music {as}[by] urban folk[s] :: 熊猫加速器下载安装This is an unfinished, growing-ever-larger paper, evolving from the presentation that Rébus and myself did as part of this summer's Re:Sound MAH (Media Art Histories) 2024 conference in Aalborg, Denmark, in which we trace TKOMTIUH ('the music that interests us here') back to the fictional live electronic music jams in the mid-1960's 'Scope' in LA, via the experimental musics of the 1970-1980's, onto its speculative settlement, from the early noughties onward, as URFOLK ('URban FOlk'). The paper includes, as a case-study, a first sketch of a comprehensive history of the seminal international headphone festival Le Placard. [ read more __ ]

July 12th, 2024 :: Ik voel, ik voel wat jij niet voelt :: 熊猫加速器怎么收费Muziek is geen taal, dus ook geen taal van emoties. Maar zij heeft onmiskenbaar veel met gevoel van doen. Hoe zit dat precies? Of ongeveer? Wie of wat kan muzikale emoties verklaren? Voor het achtste Hoofd Stuk keek ik naar de finale van het Eurovisie Songfestival en voelde hoe mijn tenen kromden.[ Gonzo #152, juli/augustus 2024 __ ]

May 7th, 2024 :: 'BEEP' zegt de muis... :: 熊猫加速器手机版Steeds vaker wordt er weer muziek gemaakt met Game Boys, de SID chip en klassieke moduletrackers: het geluid van de homecomputer toen die nog een baby was is populairder dan ooit. De zoveelste retro-trend? Kenny B. McAlpine schreef een uitgebreide chiptunes geschiedenis. In het zevende Hoofd Stuk denk ik er het mijne van... het ongrijpbare lichte van 8-bit en lager. [ Gonzo #151, mei/juni 2024 __ ]

March 03th, 2024 :: ookoi 2.0: the remaking of a spect[r]al b[r]and :: 熊猫加速器怎么收费Pending future possibilities for early adaption of fully functional digital emulation, in Paradiso, Amsterdam, the ookoi 2.0, physically re-made / re-modelled, made a fist, they stood on one leg, they jumped, they cried, they danced bizarre... "See you in history!" she said. [ read more __ ]

January 31st, 2024 :: Alle geesten zijn geluid :: 熊猫v辟n加速器Het vijfde Hoofd Stuk! In 'High Static, Dead Lines. Sonic Spectres And The Object Hereafter' waadt Kristen Gallerneaux door een zee van geesten en ouwe koeien, met in haar oren een tinnitus van Menière en de armen vol obsolete geluids- en media-apparatuur. Verhalen op het randje waar autobiografie, feit en fictie hand in hand door de molen gaan. [ Gonzo #149, januari/februari 2024 __ ]

November 5th, 2018 :: 熊猫加速器安卓 :: iconHet vierde Hoofd Stuk. Eindelijk verscheen een volledige versie van ‘The Revised Boy Scout Manual’, William Burroughs’ bijna vergeten handboek voor de jonge media-revolutionair! Harold Schellinx las het, zowel als remedie als gids op weg naar het Einde waar wij allemaal bij gebrek aan een toekomst Kwaad met Kwaad zullen moeten leren vergelden. [ Gonzo #148, november/december 2018 __ ]

September 1st, 2018 :: 开心躲猫猫加速器_开心躲猫猫加速器免费下载_biubiu加速器:biubiu开心躲猫猫加速器专区为您提供开心躲猫猫加速器下载,最新开心躲猫猫免费加速服务,极速稳定不会卡,找更多开心躲猫猫加速相关内容,请进入biubiu加速器官网。 :: iconThe fourth episode of "t'Obsolete or not t'Obsolete" looks back upon this summer's Vieux Media Fest at La Générale Nord-Est — where the 16th century theorbo played along 20th century frippertronics: where a virtual anchor was thrown over from the Cassette Culture Node.Linz exhibition; where we read yellowed 80 year old headlines that -almost- could've been written today and where crashingly crazy things happened when Japanese DIY underground hero Yximalloo came flying over, straight in from Tokyo. [ read more __ ]

July 23rd, 2018 :: Aan tijd geen gebrek :: panda加速器Het tweede Hoofd Stuk zocht ik in Borges’ bibliotheek van Babel, die niet zo lang geleden door Jonathan Basile online werd gezet. Ik las diens ‘Tar For Mortar’ (‘... tichel was steen, lijm was hun leem’ - zo ongeveer staat het in de bijbel) en tuurde eindeloos naar de Totale PowerPoint: het betekent allemaal niks en toch is het grote Kunst. Alleen het Totale Horen, dat ontbrak nog... [ "_Ieder Hoofd Stuk is een Headshot_" in: Gonzo #146, juli/augustus 2018 __ ]

August 10th, 2018 :: t'Obsolete or not t'Obsolete ... :: iconThe third "T'obsolete or not t'obsolete" episode talks quite a bit about the 45th unPublic, which came to sort of being hijacked by the actors who - during the 2017 Vieux Media Fest days - were working on a 1929 theatre play by Paul Claudel, a 'love story dominated by the ideas of sin and redemption' that is only rarely staged, mainly due to its extreme length... [ read more __ ]

May 26th, 2018 :: "Between now and then, nine years from here ..." :: iconWrapping-up a 2nd year summarised in a kaleidoscopic string of 365 ten second sonic cuts of words spoken, snippets of music played or heard, and of all the other sounds and noises as they then resounded day in day out around me, both series are now available as a digital album at Bandcamp 's: Seventy Seconds (2011) and 2M0MX1VII (2017). [ 熊猫v辟n加速器 ]

January 12th, 2018 :: Met kop noch staart: muzhakdag! :: iconAls uit elke creatieve vorm van subversie trok de bovenwereld ook uit elke vorm van hacking [v an het oud-Engelse haccian en het Nederlandse hakken] de politieke angel. Reden om op de internationale conferentie Miusic and HAcking die er weer - een beetje - in te steken. [ in: Gonzo #143, januari/februari 2018 __ ]

July 9th, 2017 :: 熊猫加速器手机版 :: iconHoe krijg je een geest in een machine? Niet door hem eindeloos bergen van data te laten schrokken. Een geest moet waaien, als een windbel. Laten we daarom klein beginnen en hem dan met veel zorg verder laten groeien... over artificiële intelligentie en muziek die zichzelf maakt. [ in: Gonzo #140, juli/augustus 2017 __ ]

April 25th, 2017 :: Moving out, of, on ... [i] :: iconA picture book that shows some of the packing and ongoing deconstruction prior to my moving this spring from the apartment in Vincennes where I lived for more than twenty years, to a new one in Montreuil, a little bit more to the north-east in the Parisian region... [ read more __ ]

March 11th, 2017 :: 雷神加速器加速xbox游戏教程 雷神加速器怎么给Xbox游戏 ...:2021-6-12 · 很多游戏玩家用电视游戏机的时候,都爱用XBOX。不过很多玩家都反映用XBOX玩游戏的时候经常容易出现卡顿的情况,搞得自己都没有办法尽兴玩游戏。其实,可众使用雷神加速器来加速 :: 加速猫加速器Onze zintuigen zijn de poorten naar alles wat er elders dan enkel in ons hoofd is. Of lijkt te zijn. Want je weet het natuurlijk maar nooit. Is er wel echt iets? Is er wel iets echt? Of zitten we hier alles steeds weer en enkel maar te ver-zinnen? ... Over blind zijn, blind worden, horen, zien & ogentroost. [ Hoor de tekst in de Ogentroost Podcast... Lees de tekst in Gonzo #138, maart/april 2017 __ ]

August 4th, 2016 :: Nicolas Collins - 2 April 2016, La Générale :: 熊猫v辟n加速器A pretty much complete transcription of the audio recording of (mainly) Emmanuel Rébus and (a little bit) myself interviewing American composer Nicolas Collins, after lunch on Saturday April 2nd 2016, at La Générale Nord-Est in Paris, during the set-up for the Sonic Protest Festival. [ read more __ ]

May 8th, 2016 :: Een tien voor toeval :: icon打游戏老是延迟掉帧 鲁大师游戏加速器能改善吗?-鲁大师 ...:2 天前 · 这款加速器可众稳定保障游戏玩家畅快的游戏体验,而且支持超过30多个市面上主流的3A 大作和游戏平台,是一款非常实用的电竞加速器。 ... Zoals afgelopen zondag, toen we na het joggen rond het meertje van Saint-Mandé omlijst door veel vogeltjesgefluit schouder aan schouder in de zon richting huis liepen en Asukakila me diep in de ogen keek en daar heel ernstig bij zei dat je ondergoed en sokken nooit samen moet wassen. [ In: Gonzo #133, mei/juni 2016 __ ]

March 21st, 2016 :: Statues, Lenin, Dogs & Ruins :: 加速猫appFirst in a series of succinct reports on our last year's Kreativen Vikend, a sonic residency in the mountain village of Lazaropole (in the Republic of Macedonia), our passages through Skopje and a subsequent visit to Belgrad (Serbia). [ read more __ ]

January 7th, 2016 :: Altijd hetzelfde liedje :: iconJohn Seabrook onderzocht de verstrengelingen van macht, geld, talent, technologie en pop in het digitale tijdperk, waarin een groepje Scandinaviërs van middelbare leeftijd verantwoordelijk blijkt voor het leeuwendeel van alle megahits. 'The Hitmen are almost always right. Only sometimes they'll let art win...' [ 功能更强大 首发享折扣!网易UU加速器推出千兆版UU加速盒 ...:2021-6-15 · 千兆版UU加速盒目前已在网易UU加速盒天猫、京东旗舰店正式出卖,售价188元/台。 在即将到来的618购物节,官方还为主机玩家筹备了更多福利。 6月16日至6月20日期间,UU加速盒百兆版盒子在天猫和京东官方旗舰店,开启超鼎力度的促销流动,在6月18日当天的10点,还有买裸盒就送半年卡的超值 … ]

November 22nd, 2015 :: Situasonnisme: the City Sonic Festival :: iconOn the 13th and other editions of the yearly recurring sound art - in a very large sense - festival, whose 'core p-art' took place in the second half of September in the Belgian city of Mons. But many also of our this year's summer activities were signed 'City Sonic' and Transcultures... [ read more __ ]

August 30th, 2015 :: SQWWO Live in Brussels (Elastic Lecture Nr. 3) :: iconThe first full 24 hours live rendition of the 'String Quartet with windows, open' took place this summer in Brussels, in Recyclart's 'Vitrine 5', from 20h on Thursday July 9th, 2015, until 20h the next day, Friday July 10th, 2015, underneath the tracks of the Belgian railways leading to & fro the Chapel railway station. [ read more __ || see more __ ]

September 1st, 2015 :: De (h)eerlijkheid van locativiteit :: icon"Hé," dacht ik, "klankstappers!" toen, niet zo heel lang geleden op een gewone doordeweekse zomerdag, ergens midden in de stad zomaar ineens over wel drie deuren verspreid een groep van tussen de vijftien en twintig personen achter in lijn twee van de Parijse metro binnenviel, niet met de gebruikelijke oordopjes in, maar allemaal met op het hoofd een kloeke en prijzige koptelefoon van een bekend merk dat ik niet zal noemen..." [ In: Gonzo #129, sept/okt 2015 __ ]

July 15th, 2015 :: Bridges, troubles, water :: iconWe were lucky enough to hook up twice with Jodi Rose in Paris, where we celebrated indoors & outdoors for the sake and the love of bridges. Tasting champagne and more on the Pont Neuf, then constructing and playing an improvised bridge, during our 19th unPublic, on June 17th at La Générale, where Rébus, Jodi and I were joined by Kaspar König. [ read more __ ]

May 27th, 2015 :: Luister is Pracht, door 熊猫ⅴpn安卓下载 :: 熊猫加速器怎么收费Op de tweede mei van dit jaar bezocht ookoi's fpcm het Online Radio Festival in 't Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ in Amsterdam. Hij scoorde er een t-shirt. Want Luister is Pracht. [[For non-Dutch speakers: 熊猫加速器安卓 is the Google translation]] [ read more __ ]

April 17th, 2015 :: Elastic Lecture Nr. 2 (for Namhee) :: iconText and images from the lecture that I delivered as part of the 3rd and final session of Nadège Derderian's The image is an elastic object-project, on Easter Saturday in La Générale, Paris. An image that is endlessly mapinaluble. Oh, how the boy bleeds! [ read more __ ]

March 7th, 2015 :: "Hallo, hallo, wie stinkt daar zo?" :: iconDe Kracht en de Hoop van Vrije Radio: onbepaald geknetter hier en knarsend gekraak daar, tenoren uit Rome en violen uit Stuttgart, hot jazz uit Bremen - 'Achtung! Drei und Zwanzig!' - en rad sprekende stemmen uit Frankrijk tot aan vief gesis uit Engeland toe... De lucht is vrij & van ons allemaal! [ 开心躲猫猫加速器_开心躲猫猫加速器免费下载_biubiu加速器:biubiu开心躲猫猫加速器专区为您提供开心躲猫猫加速器下载,最新开心躲猫猫免费加速服务,极速稳定不会卡,找更多开心躲猫猫加速相关内容,请进入biubiu加速器官网。 ]

December 1st, 2014 :: 功能更强大 首发享折扣!网易UU加速器推出千兆版UU加速盒 ...:2021-6-15 · 千兆版UU加速盒目前已在网易UU加速盒天猫、京东旗舰店正式出卖,售价188元/台。 在即将到来的618购物节,官方还为主机玩家筹备了更多福利。 6月16日至6月20日期间,UU加速盒百兆版盒子在天猫和京东官方旗舰店,开启超鼎力度的促销流动,在6月18日当天的10点,还有买裸盒就送半年卡的超值 … :: icon To make sound 'the ugliest piece of music in the world', a couple of years ago Scott Rickard interpreted a length 88 exponential Welch-Costas sequence together with a Golomb ruler for its timeline as a piece of piano music in which no two directed pitch intervals between equidistant notes are the same. But how 'pattern free' and 'void of structure' is such a 'Perfect Ping' really? About permutations, gracefulness, classiness, Pohlman Mallalieu's all interval 12 tone row and cowbells dropping down the stairs... A de-construction... [ read more __ ]

August 2nd, 2014 :: Appearance and Reality :: iconOn the morning of Tuesday July 22nd 2014, a mix of predetermination and chance brought Laura Wetherington and myself together inside the American Library in Paris, where we performed un-publicly, quick 'n' rough 'n' dirty, and based - quite literally - on a 19th century metaphysical essay. [ read more __ ]

August 1st, 2014 :: De Grote Vibrator :: iconMet A Magician's Companion op zak komt nu ook Harold Schellinx uit de kast. In de 122e editie - juli/augustus 2014 - van Gonzo (Circus). De wetenschap voorbij, de kosmos in. Je kunt daar moeilijk tegen zijn, want speculeren is het nieuwe experimenteren. [ Listen to the Speculative-mix on Mixcloud... Lees de tekst in Gonzo #122 __ ]

July 1st, 2014 :: Speculative Dancing :: 能猫加速器Some words and thoughts to accompany DIKTAT's amazing 5 track/40 minutes speculative Americana video album: "DIKTAT 4 US DANCES", now viewable on YouTube --- 打游戏老是延迟掉帧 鲁大师游戏加速器能改善吗?-鲁大师 ...:2 天前 · 这款加速器可众稳定保障游戏玩家畅快的游戏体验,而且支持超过30多个市面上主流的3A 大作和游戏平台,是一款非常实用的电竞加速器。 ... [ read more __ ]

June 19th, 2014 :: 熊猫Ⅴpn安卓 :: 熊猫加速器vip永久免费下载I found a little yellow piece of paper on the pavement not far from where I live. Hand written, on its two sides, were detailed instructions - in French - on how to operate a cassette player. As this knowledge is likely to soon become 熊猫加速器手机版, you may want to bookmark this page for future reference. [ 熊猫v辟n加速器]

June 1st, 2014 :: 加速猫app :: iconEr is geen ontsnappen aan, aan de voortdurende herhaling van van alles en nog wat. De tijd en ons leven, het is één groot 'altijd weer opnieuw' doen. dat geldt dus ook voor muziek. In de 121e editie - mei/juni 2014 - van Gonzo (Circus) [ Gonzo __ ]

May 9th, 2014 :: 能猫加速器 :: iconHIER is a four track EP of localized Future Popp by the ookoi, released as a GPS empowered iPhone application, which limits playback of each of the tracks to a specific European city. The first track can only be heard in Amsterdam (nl), the second one only in Heerlen (nl), the third one only in Kortrijk (be) and the final one only in Paris (fr). [ 熊猫v辟n加速器]

march 21st, 2014 :: 银河加速器下载手机版官网:2021-6-11 · 肥猫加速器... 下载 海龟加速器 海龟加速器... 下载 银河加速器 银河加速器... 下载 绿叶加速器 绿叶加速器... 下载 游戏 应用 500达人管理工具 下载 大侠传说 下载 勇者不要太嚣张 下载 九州枭雄-经典国战策略游戏 下载 尖叫兔兔 下载 火柴人 ... :: 加速猫appEen geluid komt nooit alleen, zegt de Amerikaanse muzikant, geluidskunstenaar en kunsttheoriticus Seth Kim-Cohen. Het is – of je dat nou wil of niet – vervlochten in een wirwar van verwijzingen. Naar toen, nu en dan. Goedschiks of kwaadschiks. In de 120e editie - maart/april 2014 - van Gonzo (Circus) [ Gonzo __ ]

March 13th, 2014 :: 瓦力网游加速器(Warlea)【官方网站】:瓦力网游加速器,采用自主研发极速引擎,顶级IDC集群,全线高端刀片服务器!为网游用户解决延迟、掉线、卡机等问题,让你游戏更爽快!支持加速绝地求生、H1Z1、GTA5、CSGO,众及LOL英雄联盟、DNF地下城与勇士、CF穿越火线、CSGO等上千款热门中外 :: 熊猫v辟n加速器 "Take a plastic plate, the sort of thing that you get when you’re having a pick-nick. Take it, press it, tear it, deform it… and then put it in the papier-mâché. I used buckets filled with the papier-mâché. I would push in the forms of my trash, by hand. And then mold it..." [ 能猫加速器 ]

March 6th, 2014 :: De Historie Van Onze Hele Wereldcultuur In Ongeveer 222 Woorden :: (Medium) 熊猫ⅴpn安卓下载Zo gauw er een lied is, is er muziek. En als er muziek is, dan wil je steeds meer en steeds beter. Dan worden er plannen gesmeed. Dan wil je door. Dan wil je verder. [ read more __]

November 23rd, 2013 :: unPublic 1, 2 (sauf riverains) :: iconAbout T, C and the difference made by intention. About the idea of 'the concert' being based on a myth; an anachronism; a socio-musical convention that is being continued without questioning its (true) sense. And introducing the first two editions of unPublic, each one an ephemeral laboratory, a vertex in space-time for musicians from wherever on the globe to meet in passing. [ read more __]

October 12th, 2013 :: "At 19:07 the four helicopters flew over the Pont Neuf" :: iconOn the occasion of the 加速猫app and fifty years of French-German friendship, on October 5th, 2013, Karlheinz Stockhausen's Helikopter-Streichquartett was performed by the Elysian String Quartet flying across Paris, over the Pont Neuf [ panda加速器an earlier version of this article can be found @Medium ]

September 9th, 2013 :: Exploring the almost-impossibilities between art and science. :: icon Aernoudt Jacobs's Photophon is based on the photoacoustic effect, discovered at the end of the 19th century by Alexander Graham Bell. It uses a laser source and a self-built photoacoustic cell to convert radiant energy into sound, that is being amplified by elegant and delicate handmade glass horns. [ panda加速器 ]

september 16th, 2013 :: De raket en de bandrecorder, of hoe je het beste een tafel kunt scheren :: 熊猫加速器手机版"Terwijl onze transatlantische vrienden een atoombom bouwden, perfectioneerden onze oosterburen de raket en de bandrecorder." Over kunstmuziek in de 20e eeuw & Alvin Lucier's boek 'Music 109'. In de 117e editie - september/oktober 2013 - van Gonzo (Circus) [ Gonzo __ ]

August 12th, 2013 :: (Medium) The incommensurable magnitude of Wikipedia’s recent changes :: 熊猫加速器下载安装One of the truly revolutionary contributions of the web’s digital machinery to the arts is that it has made the infinite potentially accessible... On mashing the sonification of Wikipedia's editing and Andrew Liles's Incommensurable Magnitudes. [ read it all __ ]

July 20th, 2013 :: 熊猫ⅴpn安卓下载 :: iconIn order to acquire a certain volume of a certain... material... a couple of weeks ago, I found myself in the back of a four-wheel drive, being bumped around a swampy forest in Burgundy, not far from where some 2000 years ago the Roman warlord Julius Ceasar won the Battle of Alesia... [ read all about it __ ]

July 12th, 2013 :: Break the ice. Play the ice. Melt the ice. (FdE #4 - 2/2) :: iconhin, hin, hin, hin, his, ticque, torche, lorgne, brededin, brededac, frr, frrr, frrr, bou, bou, bou, bou, bou, bou, bou, bou, tracc, trac, trr, trr, trr, trrr, trrrrrr, on, on, on, on, on, ououououon... E t c ... live at the 4th edition of the Festival des Ephémères. Time past is not just reconstituted; it bursts out... [ read all about it __ ]

July 10th, 2013 :: Fish learn from the water that we drown in (FdE #4 - 1/2) :: iconWater! ... was the theme of the fourth edition of the Festival des Ephémerès, on June 29th and 30th in the Jardins d'Eole, in the 19th Parisian arrondissement. Two sunny afternoons filled with fringe art of a particularly fluid dynamics... [ read all about it __ ]

July 05th, 2013 :: Yiyi's Books :: 熊猫加速器手机版In a Maastricht thrift store, Argentinian artist Yiyi de la Mota worked for two months on the making of a very pretty and very joyful image, wonderfully sculpted in books. She called it Hola. On the evening of the day that it was finally finished, a week before its presentation, Hola collapsed... [ 海豚网游加速器安卓版下载-海豚网游加速器安卓版正式版下载 ...:2021-5-28 · 海豚网游加速器安卓版正式版是款适合游戏玩家伔使用的游戏加速工具。海豚网游加速器安卓版最新版一键即可开启加速,热门手游畅玩无阻,还支持多ip切换,有效解决手游外服限制问题。海豚网游加速器安卓版中还拥有一支专业的运维团队,众及一支优秀的客服团队,能及时有效的解决用户在 ... ]

July 03th, 2013 :: How to keep devils away :: 熊猫v辟n加速器 The observation by a casual listener that the ookoi's 1024 seriously suffers from a lack of... violins, inspired a double random walk on a grid of 1024 violin sounds. We call it Kris Kras. But all of our friends call it Alaska. It is keeping the devils away. [ read all about it __ ]

June 06th, 2013 :: A Carcassonne Yodel in Blue [Kunsttour 2013] :: icon It was not a joke. It was also not merely some random act. I could not have painted the Carcassonne table in some other color. Not that painting it in blue had some sort of a meaning. Though you of course are free to give it any f**king meaning you like, for me painting the table in blue meant 'painting the table in blue'... [ read all about it __ ]

May 06th, 2013 :: :: 熊猫加速器怎么收费 The 2013 edition of Y, a yearly event carrying the name of the artist Yariv Alter Fin (1968-2007), focused on numbers, art, music & measure - with a series of morning lectures & presentations, and an instructive and entertaining workshop followed by a public presentation at the NASA, the New Art Space Amsterdam. [ read more __ ]

May 1st, 2013 :: Holes, caves, archives and inscriptions :: panda加速器 "It is strange," Signe Lidén said, "I think it is the strangest piece I ever made..." Signe's installation 'Writings', commissioned by the Resonance network, which premiered as part of this years Flanders Festival's Sounding City, turned out an atmospheric and mysterious, but also quite hermetic work. [ 熊猫加速器vip永久免费下载 ]

april 10th, 2013 :: Remix Theory: The Aesthetics of Sampling :: iconMuzikale verwarring in de Do-Re-Mix. In de honderd-en-veertiende editie - maart/april 2013 - van Gonzo (Circus) bespreek ik Eduardo Navas' boek over de theorie van de remix. Ik heb er geen al te hoge pet van op. "Een zouteloze academische oefening." Lees meer in de [ Gonzo __ ]

March 11th, 2013 :: 熊猫加速器破解版下载 :: icon Is it a sculpture? Is it a dance? Is it a bug? Is it a composition? Is it a painting? Is it an instrument? ... It's "THE BEATERS", the follow-up to their public hubbub interventions, that Jitske Blom and Thomas Rutgers's made for the Resonance network. Read all about a wooden wall and 31 electric woodpeckers. [ twit ]

february 22nd, 2013 :: Higgs singlet decay particles pop into my universe at random times :: iconEvery now and then I set loose the sounds I find on there. But most of them we'll never hear. Suddenly, without warning, they pop into our universe at random times, like the decay particles of a Higgs singlet traveling in a fifth dimension. [ read more __ ]

February 18th, 2012 :: Memory as a dorsal spine :: icon Pascal Broccolichi on the rhythm of gestures, rituals & memory’s time-lapse. "How can I create accident, fracture, misunderstanding, confusion and paradox in the midst of it all? Something that departs from the evident that one tends to imagine?” " [ 熊猫加速器下载安装 ]

february 14th, 2013 :: Culturomics, n-grams & sound artists :: icon玩使命召唤延迟高怎么办? 熊猫加速器告诉你加速器的正确 ...:最近小编看好多人吐槽玩COD加速器不行,延迟太高等等问题,很多玩家建议换了加速器就好了。但实际上大多数原因是因为你选择节点的问题和本地网络问题,其实各大加速器都大差不差(某神除外)。如何正确使用加速器:首先你要用自己的地区来对应加速节点,一般加速器都会标注加速节点的 ... ... Data is the 21st century's gold, Babe! - Babel, Car and Can - And lots about the frequency of occurrences and the semantics of fuck, sound art and related terms in the 2012 Google Books Ngram Corpus... [ read more __ ]

december 31st, 2012 :: Große_Fuge.mp30000 :: iconIterating mp3 encodings of a recording of Beethoven's opus 133 - up to 30.000 times! - Har$, on the verge of 2013, puts the 'experimental' back into 'experimental music' ... 功能更强大 首发享折扣!网易UU加速器推出千兆版UU加速盒 ...:2021-6-15 · 千兆版UU加速盒目前已在网易UU加速盒天猫、京东旗舰店正式出卖,售价188元/台。 在即将到来的618购物节,官方还为主机玩家筹备了更多福利。 6月16日至6月20日期间,UU加速盒百兆版盒子在天猫和京东官方旗舰店,开启超鼎力度的促销流动,在6月18日当天的10点,还有买裸盒就送半年卡的超值 … ... ... An essay in feedback. [ Get the album, and read more __ ]

December 15th, 2012 :: Ephemeral Sustainability 1 - Sound Art :: icon Is a Beethoven symphony in a toilet the same as a Beethoven symphony in a concert hall? Sound wants to be free. Sound is a liberator. Sound needs sound to explain sound... All about the first day of the Ephemeral Sustainability conference, on November 1st 2012 in Bergen, Norway. [ twit ]

January 19th, 2013 :: Ephemeral Sustainability 2 - Curating, Presenting, Writing :: icon The second day at the Bergen Ephemeral Sustainability conference: on 'no-sound' sound art, an extract from Seth Cluett's video lecture, and a loud and clear message from two expat sound writers turning sound art 'punks', Daniela Cascella and Salomé Voegelin.[ 熊猫v辟n加速器 ]

december 09th, 2012 :: Curiosity, Cubes & Numbers :: iconWhat's inside the Cube? A wacky sci-fi script - all about Peter Molyneux's Curiosity - a truly and unimaginably geeky part - includes an overview of all the fascinating Cube formulas that i am sure all of you have tried, but were unable, to derive... ;) ... [ read more __ ]

november 08th, 2012 :: Muziek voor Kattenkoppen :: iconIn de honderd-en-twaalfde editie van Gonzo (Circus): mijn bespreking van en wat overdenkingen rond Jonathan Sterne's 'MP3, the Meaning of a format', een recent verschenen geleerde geschiedenis van de mp3. (Duke University Press, ISBN 978-0-8223-5287-7) [ teaser (in Dutch) ___ ]

september 14th, 2012 :: R.I.P. Yvonne Oerlemans (1945 - † 2012) :: icon"… dat jij een tumor spéélt, in muziek & geluid, hè? Want een tumor, dat is natuurlijk ook een vibratie, een resonantie." ... Na 'n rot, ongelijk en oneerlijk gevecht tegen haar kanker, overleed Yvonne Oerlemans op vrijdag 14 september in Amsterdam, de stad waar ze tientallen jaren woonde, werkte en kunst maakte. (Luister hier nog één keer naar Yvonne.)

august 11th, 2012 :: 游戏延期|雷神加速器如何加速XBOX游戏?确保游戏运行 ...:2021-6-12 · 2、然后,用户选择想要雷神加速器加速的XBOX游戏,并在该游戏的界面中,点击“开始加速”的按钮。 3、此时,雷神加速器便会弹出如下图的XBOX游戏加速教程。 4、用户想要用雷神加速器来加速XBOX游戏,那么得将XBOX和自己的PC连接到同一个路由器。 :: iconHelp the mighty DIKTAT cover the costs of their upcoming stay in America by buying a download of their thrilling new DIKTAT in Berlin digital album, and find out why this illustrious quartet is the happening future of rock 'n' roll, be it somewhat outside of our manufactured normalcy field. 'If this were the 1960's, DIKTAT'd be the fucking Ronnettes'. [ read more __ ]

august 01st, 2012 :: In Eigen Beheer: Unofficial Release :: iconA (slighty revised and expanded) *Dutch* version of the SoundBlog entry on and around Unofficial Release, Thomas Bey William Bailey's book on cassette culture and audio networks... [ read more __ ]

july 26st, 2012 :: UnOfficial Release :: iconOn Thomas Bey William Bailey's recent book about self-released & handmade audio: a dazzling, be it fragmentary, tour of the history and development of autonomous ('underground') music networks since the late 1970's, which played a pivotal role 'in the survival of radical sonic eclecticism into the 21st century'... [ read more __ ]

july 18th, 2012 :: The World As We Found It (Ludwig & Ludwig for Dummies :: iconIn Sub071, arguably the world's smallest underground venue, with the Haarlem 5 piece 加速猫加速器 I did a live pre-view of Het Moet Zo Zijn, a track to appear on the Dutch Smikkelbaard label as part of an upcoming 7" vinyl release... 'A record of utter wanton libidinousness'... [ read more __ ]

july 10th, 2012 :: 熊猫加速器安卓 :: iconA NATIONAL, MONUMENTAL & EPHEMERAL PUBLIC URBAN SPACE ARTWORK BY GEERT-JAN HOBIJN, HAROLD SCHELLINX AND KEVIN SCHUIT, conceived FOR THE 55TH VENICE BIENNALE (JUNE-NOVEMBER 2013). "Futures have to be thought before they can be built or sold..." [ read more __ ]

july 1st, 2012 :: CityNumberScapes icon are field/quotidian recordings of urban space, peppered with recited numbers found within the landscape, done as 'artlessly' as possible: just press record, look, walk & speak... Read about the making by Louis Lamp and myself, of 3 one hour citynumberscapes for ResonanceFM's Clear Spot, in London, Amsterdam and Paris. [ read more __ ]

june 24th, 2012 :: A Night at the Museum (One big sweep, iv) :: icon About an album's worth of juicy Ninja Fruits, Retromania, Big Data Crunchers' colonization of subcultures, the Future of Popp & the ookoi Plus Instruments writing plus-post-retro-ULTRA history, one April night at the Amsterdam STEIM. [ read more __ ]

May 8th, 2011 :: Before, during and after the deluge: Sounding Kortrijk :: panda加速器官网 At Sounding City: Public Sound in Kortrijk, the 'rumble and roar' of eleven outdoor sound art installations competed with the contingent soundscape of the old Belgian town. The competition was ... stiff ... Chris Watson lost. American sound art pioneer Leif Brush was among my winners. [ twit ]

may 06th, 2012 :: Y.3 = YltrA! (One big sweep, iii) :: icon An extra-ordinary workshop and experience: 30 hours of sound & music making the ULTRA-way, with 13 students of the Rietveld Academy for Fine Arts and Design, in Club Karlsson on the Amsterdam Keizersgracht. From scratch to concert in less than 2 days... [ read more __ ]

december 24th, 2011 :: Touching base :: icon Hi there! Season's greetings! After near to four months of writing, in Dutch, 'Ultra. Opkomst en ondergang van de ultramodernen (1978-1983)', published by Lebowski Publishers, and available as of March 1st, 2012, the SoundBlog is back ... [ panda加速器 ]

february 27th, 2012 :: Flies, not in the ointment... :: 熊猫加速器vip永久免费下载 On how and why I recently became a dedicated follower of a swarm of tweeting houseflies ... [ read more __ ]

February 26th, 2012 :: 飞猫加速器限时免费领100年VIP,免费的吃鸡加速器 - 电脑 ...:飞猫老板带着小姨子逃跑了,飞猫免费了!限时领取100年vip,之前冲会员的也可众退款了!你没看错,飞猫加速器限时免费领100年VIP可能是他伔为了吸引人的策略,不过,现在免费,... :: icon Maia Urstad's & Paul Devens' Resonance installations, showcased at the Lydgalleriet in Bergen, Norway, had a fine & festive opening, where there was only one thing missing: "This is the music of the future. It dearly needs our childrens' ears..." [ twit ]

february 19th, 2012 :: Magnetic Remanence: Another Paris Tape Run :: icon An exciting presentation at the Instants Chavirés, richly topped with bourbon, beer & snacks, and a far, far more sober & austere Diktat performance at the wonderful-but-cold-in-wintertime La Générale Nord-Est ... [ read more __ ]

january 01st, 2012 :: Seventy Seconds [ 52/52 ] :: 熊猫加速器下载安装 Mission completed: the 52nd & final edition of my 10-secs-per-day sound diary for the prime year 2011, which appeared every Sunday on the Dutch hard//hoofd web daily, with a short text and a picture by photographer Pieter van Wynsberge... [ Find the full series on panda加速器官网 ]

december 31st, 2011 :: 路由器和猫的区别-百度经验:2021-6-25 · 网络在我伔现在生活中必不可少,我伔链接互联网经常需要用到猫和路由器,但是依然有很多菜鸟根本不知道什么是猫什么是路由器,至于猫和路由器怎么使用就更不知道了,下面给大家详细的讲解下路由 … :: icon A fine analogue art tale, that brings several of this past year's SoundBlog threads together, pulls us over into 2012, as always quoting a wise man: you ain't seen nothing yet ... [ read more __ ]

august 20th, 2011 :: R.I.P.-1: The Francis Cook Landfill and other dumps :: icon We started our R.I.P. summit and workshop at the Banff Centre on July 9th with a field trip that took us to the Francis Cook Landfill and Banff's Recycling Depot. A Rocky Mountains junk hunt, and lots, lots of great garbage pics ... [ read more __ ]

july 03th, 2011 :: Life is A Color Wire 3 (table version/KT2011) :: icon A short tour of this year's Kunsttour in Maastricht, for which, in the Hoofdwacht on the Vrijthof, I set up a table version, a miniature, of my last year's Life is A Color Wire installation. Also: a procession, Stichting Intro's Klankpaal and Stefan Rummel's Articulated Chambers, a 24/7 installation out at the Bassin. [ panda加速器官网 ]

june 25th, 2011 :: Listen! (Sound-Art-Music) :: 熊猫加速器安卓 During the closing day of last month's 加速猫app symposium, David Toop tried to not give a lecture. He reminded me of how many, many years ago I discovered William Faulkner's fabulous writing because of Ian Curtis's t-shirt... About a ghost travelling a half mile ahead of its own shape, lousy music, great art and the nightly tasting of Belgium beer in the private back room of De Dingen. [ read more __ ]

april 30th, 2011 :: Hear It! (Sound-Art-Music) :: icon The full and illustrated text, complete & unabridged, of my introductory talk at Hear It!, an extra-ordinary evening full of sound, art & music, that - if only for some hours - turned the, usually so solemn & silent, Stedelijk Museum for modern and contemporary art in Amsterdam into a 'happily noisely' one. [ read more __ ]

january 10th, 2011 :: Seventy Seconds :: 熊猫加速器手机版 Almost seven years ago, in the conclusion of my SB review of the My2k project, I promised that for each of the remaining prime years of my life, I would keep a 10-seconds-per-day sound diary. 2011 is a prime year. I am keeping my promise... [ read more __ ]

january 01st, 2011 :: Happy New Prime Year! (SB Tweet Digest #10 - nov/dec 2010) :: 熊猫加速器手机版 We break the ice with a deviciously poppy happy happy track, all and only for your new prime year's pleasure, meanwhile debunking the Google Translate beatbox... Then read on to find how I managed to beat Marcel Duchamp at his own game. There ain't no escaping it: 2011's gonna be magic! [ read more __ ]

december 19th, 2010 :: Composing with mushrooms :: icon All about my Mushroom Music, which was given a premiere of Portsmouthian beauty and charm at Schunck's Restaurant 5.0 on November 28th, as part of the grand final of the John Cage 'Anarchy of Silence' exhibition, by 5 brave musician's from village community bands from the south of the Netherlands. [ panda加速器官网 ]

december 02nd, 2010 :: STRP S K7 HISSSS :: icon In the former heart of Philips Electronics Inc., we met up with veterans from the Dutch DIY cassette scene of the 1980s, marveled at the wondrous tape sounds of Prezlav, Tapetronic, Wouter van Veldhoven en Aki Onda and almost shook hands with Ir. Lou Ottens, inventor of both the compact cassette and the compact disc. [ read more __ ]

september 20th, 2010 :: Life is a Color Wire 2 熊猫加速器APP下载_熊猫加速器手机安卓版最新下载V4.2 ...:2021-4-26 · 熊猫加速器app服务于手机游戏,可众大大介绍卡顿、闪退等各种情况。同时熊猫加速器app还可众优化游戏内速度等,非常的实用。 熊猫加速器app特点 1、熊猫加速器是一款为手游玩家提供网络优化的免费加速工具。 2、APP 采用全新的节点智能匹配 ... :: icon How with the help of Stichting Intro's technical staff I became a telecom provider: we gave Minckeleers and 't Mooswief a 90 meters long tin can telephone connection, stretching all the way across the town hall from one side to the other of the Markt in Maastricht (the Netherlands). [ panda加速器官网 ]

hear to stay

July 1st, 2024 :: Freely improvised and non-academic electroacoustic music by urban folks :: 熊猫加速器手机版 Dense paper by Me & Rébus, now available as part of the online eWIC Proceedings of the Re:Sound - Media Art Histories 2024 conference, 10.14236/ewic/RESOUND19.26, p.165-176. [ __more here__ ]

June 22nd, 2024 :: De wet van Behoud. Negentropologie in tijden van corona :: iconIn de dagen dat een microscopisch deeltje zich als een gaswolk over de wereld verspreidde en die in de dubbele Nelson hield, maakte ik mijn Hoofd Stuk met energieën in de kunsten, met orde en chaos, met thermodynamica en tijd, negatieve entropie en het Niks dat Alles worden kan.[ Gonzo #157, mei/juni 2024 __ ]

April 2nd, 2024 :: De wereld als kunst, klucht, kommer en kwel :: iconIs alles, alles, alles wat je tegenkomt kunst? Is kunst politiek? Is politiek kunst en alle kunst propaganda? Voor het twaalfde Hoofd Stuk las ik het boek dat de Nederlandse kunstenaar Jonas Staal scheef over propagandakunst in de 21e eeuw. Prop-art, zeg maar. Ik hak de knoop door.[ Gonzo #156, maart/april 2024 __ ]

March 21st, 2024 :: The Art of the K7 ~ Sudokaising [i] :: panda加速器The first in a series of texts on the series of K7-sudoku plays that I have set myself as a task to produce this year in weekly editions, including thoughts on how it is they sound how they sound and reflections on the combinatorial and other properties of the sudoku and related number grids as (durational) scores for alternating cut-ups of the two time-directions of a recording kept on magnetic (K7)-tape.[ read more __ ]

February 28th, 2024 :: Muziek, man & Mondrian :: iconHet elfde Hoofd Stuk luidt de twintiger jaren in. Worden die weer zo creatief en inspirerend als een eeuw geleden? Harold Schellinx zet er in ieder geval vast de schrikkel in, met nieuwe niet-kunst Kunst, die er al is maar die er ook nog komen gaat. Een kunst zonder ego en zonder publiek. Een Naamloos Manifest voor het komende twennium! [ Gonzo #155, januari/februari 2024 __ ]

January 26th, 2024 :: STDUIO Arti: aLife @Hal_fIve :: 熊猫加速器破解版下载More on arti.nl/stduio, the ookoi's refutrospective pre-viewable this January in the Dutch artists' society Arti on the Ro(c)kin', Amsterdam ... up↓starts, clones, signs, symptoms, a catalogue and au-tour. More yet to come!
∞...« 雷神加速器加速xbox游戏教程 雷神加速器怎么给Xbox游戏 ...:2021-6-12 · 很多游戏玩家用电视游戏机的时候,都爱用XBOX。不过很多玩家都反映用XBOX玩游戏的时候经常容易出现卡顿的情况,搞得自己都没有办法尽兴玩游戏。其实,可众使用雷神加速器来加速 »...∞ [ read more __ ]

January 25th, 2024 :: STDUIO Arti: The LⒶst Weekend :: 熊猫加速器安卓In the first month of the twenty-twenty year the ookoi introduced 熊猫加速器手机版, 10-26 January, in the Dutch artists' society Arti on the Ro(c)kin', Amsterdam ... ...including STDUIO Arti's 24/7 refutrospective audio web art stream (powered by wiel's)...
∞...« 开心躲猫猫加速器_开心躲猫猫加速器免费下载_biubiu加速器:biubiu开心躲猫猫加速器专区为您提供开心躲猫猫加速器下载,最新开心躲猫猫免费加速服务,极速稳定不会卡,找更多开心躲猫猫加速相关内容,请进入biubiu加速器官网。 »...∞ [ read more __ ]

November 17th, 2024 :: 海豚网游加速器安卓版下载-海豚网游加速器安卓版正式版下载 ...:2021-5-28 · 海豚网游加速器安卓版正式版是款适合游戏玩家伔使用的游戏加速工具。海豚网游加速器安卓版最新版一键即可开启加速,热门手游畅玩无阻,还支持多ip切换,有效解决手游外服限制问题。海豚网游加速器安卓版中还拥有一支专业的运维团队,众及一支优秀的客服团队,能及时有效的解决用户在 ...熊猫加速器vip永久免费下载Reporting --with a lot of pics-- on the couple of days that we spent last week, November 9-12, in Porto, Portugal. There we met with Pedro Augusto and Mariana Sardon, who are preparing a Porto foundtaping exhibition, accompanied by a limited edition analog (printed paper) book, opening and presented next spring. ... Here's like from within a mirrored time machine .... [ read more __ ]

September 19th, 2024 :: Weke tuigen en natte netten :: iconOm te achterhalen hoe we in de geest van Floris Vanhoofs 'Vloeibare Computer' onze rekentuigen zouden kunnen laten zwieren, vulde ik mijn negende Hoofd Stuk met het nieuwe, rare rekenen. De Turingmachine voorbij, rondtollend in zwarte gaten, met kwantumverstrengeling en kwantumbits, maar vooral met veelkoppige slijmzwammen. Er zit overal muziek in![ Gonzo #153, september/oktober 2024 __ ]

March 21st, 2024 :: "Hoedje van, hoedje" :: 加速猫appIn de 150ste editie van Gonzo (Circus) bespiegelt het zesde Hoofd Stuk de politiek van de massadigitalisering, de gebakken lucht van informatie, de klank van scanners en die van oudpapier. Data is digitaal, informatie is analoog. Het is het niks, ergens tussen de nul en de één. [ Gonzo #150, maart/april 2024 __ ]

February 08th, 2024 :: CCNL :: Cassette Culture in Linz, Austria [ii] The aesthetics of erasure :: 加速猫加速器Second part of our report from the wonderful Cassette Culture Node.Linz exhibition this summer in Austria ... Found tapes and 'The aesthetics of erasure' ... Kunst met Tapes machen! ... « le son de l'arts sa naissance, état-il le même que le son de l'art aujourd'hui ? » [ read more __ ]

January 18th, 2024 :: CCNL :: Cassette Culture in Linz, Austria [i] Oral history :: 能猫加速器Read, hear and see Wolfgang 'Fadi' Dorninger recounting his personal and very active involvement in the cassette culture and DIY network of the 1980's, in which he and his Die Ind label formed Node Linz. First part of a report from the wonderful Cassette Culture exhibition this summer in Austria. [ read more __ ]

November 2nd, 2018 :: "Five years stuck on my eyes" ... Lustrum non Publicum :: iconOn Thursday October 18th FlexRex's Daicar brought us to Bures-sur-Yvette, just a little to the south of Paris, where we celebrated five years of unPublic with a 56th edition, featuring Paula V, FlexRex, Yoko Miura, Yungwei, Rébus and me. [ read more __ ]

September 4th, 2018 :: De elementen van Maarten Ploeg :: iconDit najaar verschijnt ‘Ploeg + Werk’, een ruim vijfhonderd pagina’s tellend, door Willem Henri Lucas samengesteld en vormgegeven boek rondom het leven en werk van Maarten Ploeg, de veelzijdige interdisciplinaire kunstenaar, popmuzikant en televisiemaker die veertien jaar geleden, in 2004, het leven liet. Het is de rijkgeïllustreerde catalogus. Nu nog het museum. [ Gonzo #147, september/oktober 2018 __ ]

August 13th, 2018 :: Rage, rafts & refugees :: iconMichael Ghent's cardboard sculpture "Dérive" consists in a faithful 3D rendition of the famous accusing & political "Raft of the Medusa", a monumental early 19th century painting by Théodore Géricault. This winter "Dérive" was on view for eight days at the Parisian Générale. In this entry, read all about it, and about the music and sounds that we unfolded around it, with ETC, with Diktat, in public, and unPublicly. [ read more __ ]

July 21st, 2018 :: t'Obsolete or not t'Obsolete ... :: iconThe series of SoundBlog-entries "T'obsolete or not t'obsolete" is sort of a private RAM dump concerning the yearly Vieux Media Fests and some related events at La Générale, Paris. This second episode includes some 'French theory' that -interestingly- we might almost call... unPublic-ish . [ read more __ ]

May 15th, 2018 :: De smaak van urine :: iconMet in Parijs van de straten geraapte kartonnen verpakkingen bouwde de Nieuw-Zeelandse kunstenaar Michael Ghent in drie dimensies de allegorie na die schilder Théodore Géricault twee eeuwen eerder ontleende aan het navrante relaas van het Medusa-vlot. Volg de hekgolf van een schip der staten dat op ramkoers ligt. Actueler dan ooit! [ "_Ieder Hoofd Stuk is een Headshot_" in: Gonzo #145, mei/juni 2018 __ ]

September 11th, 2017 :: 功能更强大 首发享折扣!网易UU加速器推出千兆版UU加速盒 ...:2021-6-15 · 千兆版UU加速盒目前已在网易UU加速盒天猫、京东旗舰店正式出卖,售价188元/台。 在即将到来的618购物节,官方还为主机玩家筹备了更多福利。 6月16日至6月20日期间,UU加速盒百兆版盒子在天猫和京东官方旗舰店,开启超鼎力度的促销流动,在6月18日当天的10点,还有买裸盒就送半年卡的超值 … :: 熊猫ⅴpn安卓下载... om aan een nieuwe muziek te denken ... Op 5 juli 2017 overleed op 89-jarige leeftijd de Franse componist Pierre Henry. Gevierd en verguisd bleef deze onbetwiste elektronica- en avant-garde pionier zijn lange leven lang een vat vol tegenstrijdigheden. En was hij misschien ook te Frans voor deze wereld? [ in: Gonzo #141, september/oktober 2017 __ ]

May 11th, 2017 :: De waan, de wil, de weg :: iconIn de inhoudelijk zo rijke en overwegend door ‘sharing’ gedreven onderwereld van vrije, speculatieve muzieken zijn publieke concerten een mythe, een sociaal-muzikale conventie die in deze digitale tijden haar zin grotendeels heeft verloren. Daarom ging ik met magister Rébus voor eeuwig op tour, zonder publiek. [ Beluister de Waan, de Wil, de Weg Podcast... Lees de tekst in Gonzo #139, mei/juni 2017 __ ]

April 12th, 2017 :: 功能更强大 首发享折扣!网易UU加速器推出千兆版UU加速盒 ...:2021-6-15 · 关于uu加速器 的新闻 (2021-06-08) 《Valorant》公测火爆 UU加速器让你告别卡顿统治战场 (2021-04-30) LOL卡牌新作《符文之地》5月1日全平台上线!UU加速器助 ... :: iconCelebrating ookoi's 1024's 10th birthday, this year's weekly oki doki 10 minutes and 24 seconds podcast and 2M0M1X1VII7 and the new prime year's 10-seconds-a-day audio diary, a follow-up to 2011's 'Seventy Seconds'... [ read more __ ]

January 7th, 2017 :: Het kaf en het koren :: iconAls je de cassettes die de afgelopen vijftig jaar werden geproduceerd allemaal aan elkaar zou plakken, wordt dat een loop van hier tot aan Neptunus. Ik heb er heel wat stukjes en beetjes van in zijn kelder opgeslagen. Verward, verweerd, vergooid en vergeten. Alle geluid van de wereld. [ In: Gonzo #137, januari/februari 2017 __ ]

June 14th, 2016 :: unPublic #18 - 대부도 (Daebu-Do), 14 June 2015, by Ian-John Hutchinson :: 熊猫ⅴpn安卓下载Article written not long after the 18th unPublic, which - one year ago, on June 14th 2015 - took place on the beach of the South-Korean island of Daebu. Ian-John interviewed all of that unPublic's participants, and wrote things down, providing interesting insights into the processes and intentions at play, also of the unPublic series in general. [ read more __ ]

May 7th, 2016 :: In Praise of Slowness :: 熊猫加速器破解版下载Second in a series of succinct reports on our last year's Kreativen Vikend, a sonic residency in the mountain village of Lazaropole (in the Republic of Macedonia), including the 21st unPublic, our passages through Skopje and a subsequent visit to Belgrad (Serbia). [ read more __ ]

March 8th, 2016 :: "STILTE!" :: 熊猫加速器下载安装Stilte is niet wit. Ook is stilte nog geen zuchtje wind. Stilte is geen ruisje, het is geen voetstap op een pad vol grind. Is stilte dan soms sterreloos? Bijbelzwart misschien? Neen, stilte is on-kenbaar, a fortiori on-her-kenbaar dus. Daarom dat zo velen er naar blijven zoeken. [ In: Gonzo #132, mrt/apr 2016 __ ]

January 25th, 2016 :: Trust Us :: iconAbout Michael Ghent's powerful cardboard installation "Trust Us", at Mains d'Oeuvres in Saint-Ouen: "... like black magic spells, cooked up to charm us into belief and conviction that all is solely meant and created for our good, and will hand us the one and only key to health, fortune and happiness. Or to god. To all." [ read more __ ]

September 8th, 2015 :: "De Muzak is dood! Lang leve de muzak!" :: iconWie weet nog wie Paul McCartney een muzakant noemde? En wat was dat ook alweer? "Gelukkig maar dat ik tegenwoordig als bijna-ouwe man aan vrijwel alle muziek een godsgruwelijke hekel heb. Behalve, natuurlijk, als ik ‘m zelf maak..." [ In: Gonzo #129, sept/okt 2015 __ ]

July 7th, 2015 :: "Makkers, staakt uw wild geraas!" - Voor en tegen tinnitus :: 熊猫ⅴpn安卓下载Oorsuizen is van alle tijden. Vaak klinkt het als de branding. Soms is het alsof er dag en nacht een Japanse noise artiest in je hoofd zit. Dat is geen pretje! Je kan er daarom maar beter muziek van maken... [ Listen to the Against tinnitus-mix on Mixloud... Lees de tekst in Gonzo #128, juli/aug 2015 __ ]

April 14th, 2015 :: 流星免费加速器——真免费,为痛快!海量游戏免费加速-流星 ...:2021-6-15 · 流星游戏加速器是一款免费的网络游戏加速器,有效降低用户延迟、掉线等问题,支持绝地求生、GTA5、PUBG LITE、使命召唤16、steam、Epic、彩虹六号、星际战甲、俄罗斯钓鱼4、CSGO、游戏王:决斗链接、冬日计划、NBA2K20、Uplay、命运2 ... :: iconAn evening at the Friches on mal-localisation in space-time, with Rébus and Namhee. A Toy-Orguanisation and a lot of aaaaaaaa's lead to a quite logical conclusion: 433Hz should be the new international standard for our concert pitch. [ read more __ ]

March 13th, 2015 :: René Gude (1957-2015)

March 7th, 2015 :: The men once in green are now writing a book!

[ read more __ ]

November 7th, 2014 :: Mooie Liedjes Duren het Langst :: icon"Morton Feldman bijvoorbeeld, die in urenlange stukken eindeloos op zoek is naar een punt om de tijd te stoppen, zonder daar ooit aan te komen. Dat komt door de traagheid. Want met de tijd neem je zo gauw nog geen loopje niet..." [ Gonzo __ ]

September 11th, 2014 :: String Quartet with windows, open :: 熊猫加速器安卓 is a string quartet that lasts 24 hours and is playing in my living room; with the windows wide open. Being the entanglement of random walks that layer two form-ally near to identical soundscapes (a city traffic sound scape and the violins), the work, without any apparent dramatic development, of an extreme long duration and cycling back upon itself, is a virtually everlasting now, the eternal present, which is our future's past. The full 24 hour set is available as a high quality download at Bandcamp's. [ read more __ ]

April 8th, 2014 :: La physicalité du son. Tome 1 :: 加速猫加速器As part of the quite wonderful 10th edition of the Sonic Protest Festival, Rébus and myself entertained and educated the visitors of the festival's Let's Get Physical-part - à La Générale, Paris XI - with, on and about the phys-icality of sound. I did the first part, on Sunday April 6th. Here is the abstract. [ read more __]

March 8th, 2014 :: "12 - 11 - 9 - 10 - 3 - 6 - 7 - 1 - 2 - 8 - 4 - 5" :: panda加速器官网About hacking Karlheinz Stockhausen's 1957 paper on a new morphology of musical time (... wie die Zeit vergeht ...) into three time-pass-poems. It explains all the counting in the 5th unPublic session, which made things - here and there - sort of sound like Karl-Philip Stockglass. [ 熊猫加速器怎么收费]

December 31st, 2013 :: 加速猫app :: 熊猫加速器安卓This winter solstice (in the early evening of December 21st), four cassetteurs gathered on the desolate and cold second floor of an old industrial building on the East side of Paris, for a final & unpublic 2013 = C50 cassette ritual... [ read more __]

February 26th, 2014 :: Scheef ! :: (Medium) iconAl sinds een jaar of vijftien kom ik af en toe bij Aleth, op het Franse platteland, zo’n tweehonderd kilometer onder Parijs. Ik logeer er dan in een ouwe communale bakkerij. Aan de muren van die ouwe bakruimte hangen al die jaren al dezelfde vijf prentjes... [ read more __]

December 29th, 2013 :: 游戏延期|雷神加速器如何加速XBOX游戏?确保游戏运行 ...:2021-6-12 · 2、然后,用户选择想要雷神加速器加速的XBOX游戏,并在该游戏的界面中,点击“开始加速”的按钮。 3、此时,雷神加速器便会弹出如下图的XBOX游戏加速教程。 4、用户想要用雷神加速器来加速XBOX游戏,那么得将XBOX和自己的PC连接到同一个路由器。 :: icon熊猫加速器怎么收费 is a booklet with a collection of images and texts about magnetic tape, edited by Claudio Rocchetti, when, after many years of experimenting with tapes, he started to feel lost; like he had exhausted the subject and all the ideas... "But does it really matter why we use certain tools?" Claudio asked himself... [ read more __]

november 16th, 2013 :: Kraak de Media! :: 熊猫v辟n加速器"Caleb Kelly schreef een informatief boek over het oneigenlijk gebruik van geluidsdragers en het muziek maken met storing. Maar hij vergat de cassette. En hij vergat de castraat." In de 118e editie - oktober/november 2013 - van Gonzo (Circus) [ Gonzo __ ]

October 25th, 2013 :: The Art of the K7 (prelude) :: iconAbout the some things that are certain - All the way to Neptune and back - Re/Vival - The cassetteer and the DJ - A poor man's thang - Did I say there is no Hell? - Audio slates - Frank Zappa's '200 Motels' and a Christmas dinner at granny's - Not a one but a many - "Unto emptiness shalt thou return" [ read it all _ there's an outtake @medium ]

july 16th, 2013 :: Brul, Gil, Juich, Jool, Joel, Jodel, 't is een Wonder! :: 熊猫加速器下载安装In de 116e editie - juli/augustus 2013 - van Gonzo (Circus) lees je, in mijn verslag van Bart Plantenga's Yodel in Hi-Fi, ook de hele Geschiedenis van onze Wereldmuziek en -cultuur in ongeveer 210 Nederlandse Woorden. Dan is acht euro voor zijn magazijn toch echt geen geld. Zeg nou zelf... [ Gonzo __ ]

may 21st, 2013 :: Pure Dingen van Puur Geluid :: icon Bij gelegenheid van de onlangs verschenen Engelse vertaling van zijn dagboeken uit 1949-1951, overweeg ik, in de 115e editie - mei/juni 2013 - van Gonzo (Circus), Pierre Schaeffers spagaat, op zoek naar een concrete muziek in de tijd dat muziek 'muziek' werd. "Mooi en soms ook hilarisch." Lees het zelf in de [ 熊猫加速器vip永久免费下载 ]

May 11th, 2013 :: Playing with your ears :: icon A conversation with David Helbich, on his performative soundwalk for the city of Kortrijk (be). "When people are walking around wearing headphones and holding a booklet, the world for them has become a theater. But it is also a stage. And they are the actors." [ twit ]

march 23rd, 2013 :: "Ma première cassette était vierge..." :: iconMourning & celebrating 50 years of the compact cassette: 2013 = C50. The first - and probably not the last - of this year's celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the compact cassette, was transatlantic: Paris - New York. Proud to be a cassetteur! [ read more __ ]

january 11th, 2013 :: Muziek is groot, en ik ben klein :: 熊猫v辟n加速器 Een sympathieke & integere muzikant, die dagelijks degelijk aan veel degelijks werkt. Lees in de honderd-en-dertiende editie van Gonzo (Circus) wat ik over wat David Byrne over muziek schrijft schreef. (能猫加速器, Canongate, ISBN 9 780857 862532) [ teaser (in Dutch) ___ ]

october 20th, 2012 :: Audio Monitoring the Watergate Hotel :: iconThe first in a series of DIKTAT americana: how a small sticker in the lower left corner of one of the glass doors of the former lobby of the empty and desolate Watergate Hotel in Washington DC became the cherry on our US Dikta-cake [ read more __ ]

august 04th, 2012 :: 72 Hours of Post-Nuclear Survival :: 能猫加速器July 27th-30th. The 15th grand & post-apocalyptic Parisian Placard dropped its anchor at four fine counter cultural shelters in the French capital. With my own little post-experimental sub-Placard, I sailed along, while Rébus' sound fooding provided both the alpha and the omega... [ read more __ ]

july 7th, 2012 :: A Forest Hanging from A Tree :: panda加速器官网With E t c ... we performed 3 x 2 x 30 minutes of dark, electric urban (un)nature scapes, at the intriguing (devious, unobtrusive and tentacular) three day Festival des Ephémères in the Parisian Jardins d'Eole. I edited a 5-track digital album from the recordings made on June 30th and July 1st. [ 熊猫Ⅴpn安卓 ]

may 03rd, 2012 :: One big sweep, from ULTRA-modern to post-experimental (ii) :: icon My favorite swarm of houseflies by now also knowing how to U-L-T-R-A, lots of other ding-dong, a brandnew T-shirt, tasty cakes, high expectations, a great many Minny Pops, all sort of liquids and a canceled last New Moons performance... I carried all of it back home with me. [ read more __ ]

april 02nd, 2012 :: One big sweep, from ULTRA-modern to post-experimental (i) :: icon A (1st) ULTRA-craze wrap up, about the author of the ULTRA book becoming a Thai music playing, mice torturing Deadhead, and in-cluding an ex-clusive, post-experimental, New Moons track: Back to Nature (based on Hanns Eisler's Rückkehr zur Natur). [ read more __ ]

February 4th, 2011 :: 加速猫app :: icon Resonance & sound art at the Jan van Eyck Academy in Maastricht, the Netherlands, during the last three weeks of December 2011.[ twit ]

January 22nd, 2011 :: Sound Forest & Unsound: Resonance in Riga & Krakow :: A lavishly illustrated report of the presentations of the Resonance sound art installations last fall, at the Sound Forest Festival in Riga, Latvia and the Audio Art Festival in Krakow, Poland...[ twit ]

December 7th, 2011 :: Resonance in Maastricht - 2nd edition :: 熊猫加速器下载安装 December 2011 showcase of Resonance sound art works at the Jan van Eyck Academy in Maastricht (the Netherlands): Evelina Deicmane, Paul Devens ans Maia Urstad [ twit ]

August 11th, 2011 :: "There's these noises in my head, they just do not let me in peace" :: 熊猫加速器手机版 In Berlin I talked to Latvian artist Evelina Deicmane in her studio at the Kunstlerhaus Bethanien. About a flying lake, emotional machines and waking up in Berlin, with a drilling... Evelina's Resonance installation The Long Day can be seen/heard at Kunsthaus Meinblau, until September 11th. [ 熊猫ⅴpn安卓下载 ]

august 05th, 2011 :: (I can't get no) Immediate Satisfaction - Diktat in Berlin [iii] :: icon '... and the evening and the morning were the third day...' On Sunday June 19th, Diktat Sucked Orange... Third in a series of fine illustrated & sounding underground fringe reports: Out on the Tempelhof, and living rooms as a natural habitat. [ read more __ ]

july 31st, 2011 :: 'Komm raussi!' - Diktat in Berlin [ii] :: panda加速器官网 '... and the evening and the morning were the second day...' Diktat in Berlin. Second in a sunny series of fine illustrated & sounding underground fringe reports. On the IN-side, and on the OUT-side. Deep thoughts. [ 熊猫加速器下载安装 ]

july 29th, 2011 :: 'Where ist Ausland?' - Diktat in Berlin [i] :: icon And the evening and the morning were the first day... Over the weekend of June 17-19, Diktat went to Berlin. First in a fine summer series of lively and illustrated reports, including extracts from Diktat's Berlin performances. [ read more __ ]

july 23rd, 2011 :: panda加速器官网 :: icon Some reflections on a first half year of Seventy Seconds, my 10-seconds-per-day audio diary for the year 2011, which you can listen to - full & unabrigded - as the 打游戏老是延迟掉帧 鲁大师游戏加速器能改善吗?-鲁大师 ...:2 天前 · 这款加速器可众稳定保障游戏玩家畅快的游戏体验,而且支持超过30多个市面上主流的3A 大作和游戏平台,是一款非常实用的电竞加速器。 .... [ read more __ ]

june 28th, 2011 :: the end of an arm, the end of an era :: icon A couple of pictures from Jorge Macchi's Music Stands Still, now showing at the S.M.A.K. in Ghent. From there with Paul Devens I drove on to Maastricht, just in time to one more time see Vasiliki Tsagari dance her heart out, at the Last but Least Party, that was bidding farewell to the Art Space Rondeel in Maastricht. [ read more __ ]

april 19th, 2011 :: (Topographic [Table) Topographique] :: icon A pittoresque report of A Table!'s eventful recording sessions in the Pianofabriek in Brussels, laying down the sound material for the A Topographic Table album. Two weeks full of musical ambition and sonic extravagance. [ read more __ ]

march 10th, 2011 :: Alle utopieën zijn van gisteren :: 熊猫v辟n加速器 Short story (in Dutch) dedicated to Jean Bordé, 'contrebassiste militant de l’improvisation libre' (Jazz Magazine): the Jimi Hendrix of the double bass... With a rare & previously unreleased DIKTAT track, recorded live at Le CLeUB in Paris, on november 15th, 2008... [ read more__ ]

feburary 10th, 2011 :: 开心躲猫猫加速器_开心躲猫猫加速器免费下载_biubiu加速器:biubiu开心躲猫猫加速器专区为您提供开心躲猫猫加速器下载,最新开心躲猫猫免费加速服务,极速稳定不会卡,找更多开心躲猫猫加速相关内容,请进入biubiu加速器官网。 :: icon Esther et Pierre * Did Captain Beefheart sell Filter Queens? * Why the Bells in Maastricht did not ring this winter * Esther will sell me anything I want * A QR Code * The Unbearable Fleeting of Time * The Best Things in Life are Utterly Useless [ 熊猫v辟n加速器 ]

january 11th, 2011 :: Caught in the flux of history :: icon Belgian musician and sound artist Pierre Berthet talks with Har$ on hitting things, Filter Queens, drops on tin cans and extending deliberately broken speakers. His installation Extended Drops is currently showing in Intro In Situ's workspace in Maastricht (nl). [ 加速猫加速器 ]

november 28th, 2010 :: Foundtaping, Maps & Shadows (@ Shift Basel, i) :: icon I lost my soles in Basel. But also premiered the brand new 雷神加速器加速xbox游戏教程 雷神加速器怎么给Xbox游戏 ...:2021-6-12 · 很多游戏玩家用电视游戏机的时候,都爱用XBOX。不过很多玩家都反映用XBOX玩游戏的时候经常容易出现卡顿的情况,搞得自己都没有办法尽兴玩游戏。其实,可众使用雷神加速器来加速 and presented an overview of my 8 full years of foundtaping brought together in the Found Tapes Exhibition, that dazzling "siren song of decaying media", at the 2010 Shift Electronic Arts Festival. [ read more __ ]

november 04th, 2010 :: Noise and Capitalism :: icon I read 'Noise & Capitalism', a bundle of essays published about a year ago by the audiolab division of Arteleku. I also listened to the 26 minutes piece that noish~ made from the sound he obtained by reading the book.pdf as an audio file... [ read more __ ]

september 26th, 2010 :: Bonjour Schiphorst! Farewell Blue Vase! [ and then i joined the avantgarde (iii) ] :: icon A colorful and re:sounding description of A Table's sunday morning performance at this summer's Schiphorst Avantgarde Festival, and how, by throwing in a tenner taken from their hard-earned fee, the illustrious duo together with Jean-Hervé Péron and his family became the proud co-owners of a freshly sprayed Danner. [ read more __ ]

september 15th, 2010 :: Life is a Color Wire [i] (Het Leven is een Gekleurde Draad) :: icon We get to know Minckeleers and 't Mooswief, two statues on the marketplace in Maastricht (the Netherlands). The one is situated to the north of the old town hall, the other to its south. One holds an eternal burning flame, the other spits water into a pentagonal basin through five metal fish-heads. [ read more __ ]

august 22th, 2010 :: Yi Sang in Seoul: Rebirth :: icon A distant view on the second part of the Yi Sang project, in the Space Hamilton in Seoul (South Korea): bicycle rides, Read me a Poem, and a streaming pulp performance with a pale red-haired woman, bathing, a strong taste for chocolate hard as stone and a gramophone for a suitcase... [ read more __ ]

august 14th, 2010 :: 'And what about Yi Sang?' (... à Paris, iv) :: icon At the soirée littéraire in La Générale, Paris XI, I introduced three fine ladies who honored the elusive Korean poet. One wore a white mask. They made him blush and sometimes chuckle. A strange/ideal symmetrical translation, a Lego architect, Yi Sang in the box, and the unbearable reversal of time... [ read more __ ]

august 02nd, 2010 :: SB Tweet Digest #6 :: icon * A German Twietenstelle, * Rietveld graduation show pics, * Chinoiseries d'été, AND * six (6) classic SB-related albums now available as high quality digital downloads @Bandcamp, including the first ever official digital re-issue of two very rare and highly collectible early 1980 releases by the legendary Young Lions. [ read more __ ]

july 14th, 2010 :: The Final Soundtrack :: icon The SoundBlog proudly presents _Finale_: the full soundtrack of the 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup final between the Netherlands and Spain, slightly (but ever so subtly) edited [re-composed], for an optimal listening experience. [ 熊猫加速器vip永久免费下载 ]

june 17th, 2010 :: Sunny soundy days [KT2010, iii] :: icon In Maastricht, along with a tree, I dreamt of Uirapuru, I strummed an electric egg cutter guitar, watched lava dance and then solemnly reflected upon the sense of it all in a room set up to that very purpose by Bonne Knibbe. Afterwards, we had a beer. [ read more __ ]

june 10th, 2010 :: A kitchen table and a game of cards [KT2010, ii] :: icon (Spoerri, Filliou, Coca Cola) - About three 'empty rooms' that were on show at three different locations of this year's euregonial, untitled, Kunsttour in Maastricht, the Netherlands, and how all three of them were connected... [ read more __ ]

june 03rd, 2010 :: Classified

may 30th, 2010 :: Autonoom en untitled :: 加速猫app The 11th Maastricht Kunsttour opened on May 22nd with a sunny breakfast discussion on art, autonomy and cultural politics in the Timmerfabriek's backyard. Read about Karl Marx's sister Sophie and how I and myself (geen woorden, maar daden!) became future tenants of 1 square meters of Maastricht's most exciting Artspace... [ 熊猫加速器安卓 ]

may 13th, 2010 :: 玩使命召唤延迟高怎么办? 熊猫加速器告诉你加速器的正确 ...:最近小编看好多人吐槽玩COD加速器不行,延迟太高等等问题,很多玩家建议换了加速器就好了。但实际上大多数原因是因为你选择节点的问题和本地网络问题,其实各大加速器都大差不差(某神除外)。如何正确使用加速器:首先你要用自己的地区来对应加速节点,一般加速器都会标注加速节点的 ... :: icon A Table! re-made Daniel Spoerri's kitchen table, the way it was on October 17th, 1961, at precisely 15h47, in his Parisian hotel room. It is our principal instrument in an upcoming series of A Spoerri Table! events. The premiere was on May 7th, during the Parcours d'Artistes Saint-Gilles, in Brussels. [ read more __ ]

april 18th, 2010 :: Fecit Venetiis 1754 (Muzzix #10, Lille) :: panda加速器官网 With both the Ana-R and A Table! we recently spent a great weekend of sonic demo(n)creation at the Muzzix festival in Lille (France). Read, see and hear in this colorful report all about new blood, the fine but long forgotten art of panda加速器, and Rébus' 加速猫app: a solipsist-musician's wet dream ... [ read more __ ]

april 02nd, 2010 :: SB Tweet Digest #2 :: 熊猫加速器vip永久免费下载 ...

march 30th, 2010 :: ong'luk = un-luck, that is: malheur, twice... :: icon Late february Diktat did a very fine performance at La Machinante. But when we packed our gear, JB found the neck of his 150 year old double bass had been broken 熊猫加速器安卓... Even more memorable and unique was our rendering of Stockhausen's Right Durations, some weeks later at the Eglise Saint-Merry. But the morning after we found some rascal stole the wheels of JJ's car (repair: 700 €)... If someone wants to stop us that badly, it surely means we're on to something BIG... [ read more __ ]

march 20th, 2010 :: Paris Tape Run (2009): tous les sens uniques :: 熊猫加速器下载安装 Also pop hop pretty girls are onomato-peeing "Pfffjizzzz, schroenkkk, zschroenkkkk !" these days. And Staaltape's release party for the 2009 Parisian Tape Run (a relay recording compilation cassette in '70/80's mail art style) was a big hit. Another collectors' slum? Or cassette culture's second coming? [ read more __ ]

march 18th, 2010 :: Le son de l'art à sa naissance (Art's Birthday 2010) :: icon Commissioned by the Swiss 加速猫加速器, my present to art on the occasion of its this year's birthday became an elaborate audio-bio-faction and a sonico-musical reflection on the concept of being born. Its key-ingredient is a recording made one summer night in 2003, when I found myself tumbling into a hole in the floor of a dark garage somewhere in Paris, with my dictaphone on and recording... [ read more __ ]

february 13th, 2010 :: If only the goal of our journey were nearer, we all would be jolly long less :: 熊猫v辟n加速器Twelve particularly fine minutes of music, brough to you in a podcast recorded live during last month's edition of the Rhinoceros' laboratory, on sunday january 24th at Les Combustibles in Paris, France. Hear my Korg MS20, listen to my dictaphone, feel how they are hitting the Yamaha... Feat. Anthony Carcone (_*****_), on guitar & electrix. [ read more __ ]

february 05th, 2010 :: 海豚网游加速器安卓版下载-海豚网游加速器安卓版正式版下载 ...:2021-5-28 · 海豚网游加速器安卓版正式版是款适合游戏玩家伔使用的游戏加速工具。海豚网游加速器安卓版最新版一键即可开启加速,热门手游畅玩无阻,还支持多ip切换,有效解决手游外服限制问题。海豚网游加速器安卓版中还拥有一支专业的运维团队,众及一支优秀的客服团队,能及时有效的解决用户在 ... :: icon About Alessandro Bosetti's The Pool and the Soup, a fine guided spoken improvisation (as performed october last year at Extrapool in Nijmegen), which actually reminded me of Diktat. That same day at Extrapool there were Jason Zeh and Ben Gwilliam, the view of whose BromBron table suddenly reminded me of a small room in the flat of friends of my parents, in the very early 1960s. [ read more __ ]

february 04th, 2010 :: Médium Hang Esztétika :: iconThe first part of the ongoing study on EAI as a metalanguage, that, together with Rébus, I embarked upon a couple of years ago, just recently was published as part of an Hungarian book called Médium Hang Esztétika - Zeneiség a mediális technológiák korában. (That Google-translates: "Medium Sound Aesthetics - Performance in the medial age of technology".) [ 熊猫ⅴpn安卓下载 ]

february 01st, 2010 :: 18 x 100 Sec. Sound <.best_before.> Letters :: icon "Yesterday's a work in progress" ... Wrapping up the 2009 Best Before Sound Art Tour with a fine free CD for your download-ing pleasure, and the evocation of ghosts and voices from within the electromagnetic field on a path, rough 'n' lonely, towards an art built from sole fact and nil fiction... [ read more __ ]

january 05th, 2010 :: 熊猫加速器安卓 :: icon You dug it while it was happening, live on twitter. Now read the full report on the ookoi's blitz-appearing in the Rotterdam Boijmans Van Beuningen Museum, as opening act for last sunday's live broadcast of Moritz Ebinger's Radio Red, hitting the pitch and setting the tone for pop and social media, new and old, in the early tens. [ read more __ ]

december 12th, 2009 :: years will have to run out sometime (Audiotoop [i]) :: icon About the weekend that the good people from the Nijmegen Extrapool descended upon the Amsterdam Occii. About guitars, drums 'n' tape; and about the audiotoop that I performed there: why did that particular piece become the way it was? In the mindbogglingly deep faraway end of it none of this would have ever been, were it not for the right honourable, for the baroness Thatcher. [ read more __ ]

november 08th, 2009 :: A found tapes meta-map :: icon More dates with Penelope Audela, and a first mention of the writing of 熊猫v辟n加速器, my dutch/english monograph on the noble art of foundtaping (to appear early 2010 at the very latest). Acoustic fingerprinting is the method that underlies commercial audio search applications like Shazam and Midomi. We spent a little time with both of them. [ read more __ ]

january 13th, 2010 :: 熊猫加速器破解版下载 :: icon Pushing last Christmas we set up a table at the Générale's Puces de l'Art. Even though we failed to sharpen my 功能更强大 首发享折扣!网易UU加速器推出千兆版UU加速盒 ...:2021-6-15 · 关于uu加速器 的新闻 (2021-06-08) 《Valorant》公测火爆 UU加速器让你告别卡顿统治战场 (2021-04-30) LOL卡牌新作《符文之地》5月1日全平台上线!UU加速器助 ..., we still were the tropical spice in the Art fleas' ice, and joined forces with Blenno and the Wurst-Brücke for a memorable rendering of the Dutch national anthem. Our Wilhelmus Van Nassouwe is the edition's podcast. [ read more __ ]

february 17th, 2010 :: public places, hidden islands :: icon Every once in a while I have this sudden urge to hear Beethoven symphonies all day long. Why?I went through this, 熊猫加速器怎么收费, with my analyst. She thinks I keep the reason stowed away on a little ile, that I've been hiding ever since my early youth. 熊猫加速器vip永久免费下载. I guess she's right. But once more I gave in to the urge... and found Ludwig Van leading me to the perfect scene for a Diktat... [ read more __ ]

« deux côtés d'un miroir, d'une même mémoire, bousculer la persévérance sous l'effacement »

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brand new & classic HarSMedia related albums are at bandcamp. Thanx for your support!

2002 → 2024 ++
found tapes

SB Audio Diary 2012

Lang Leve Lou Ottens!
.:.52 years of compact cassettes.:.
lang leve lou!


  1. [#].ookoi.nl
  2. [#].Diktat
  3. 能猫加速器found tapes exhibition
  4. [#].vicky's mosquitos
  5. [#].sound chronicles :: chronique sonore
  1. [#].Amphibious Records
  2. [#].Hollandse Meesters
  1. Autoportrait
  2. Pharm Cam
  3. Snkprvw
  4. Ti Ta 2
  5. Stereo01
  6. Schmack
  7. counts
  1. Wirwarts
  2. London Diary 99
  1. De Purgatorio



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this is an index to the harsmedia.com domain (2000||2024) - it is sort of a welcome - ... it is also sort of a lid - all content is below the blue colored words - much of that content is about sound, about music - this homepage will lead you to archived content and it keeps you informed on recent changes - changes and updates to the 熊猫加速器手机版, the found tapes exhibition, the amphibious records archive, to the sound chronicles - there are also links leading to parts and pages kept, for various reasons, from previous versions of the site and to some other domains - without links there's not much of a web - for syndication do use the feed - une partie du site est rédigée en français - cette partie n'est pas une traduction - ce sont des pages contenant des anciennes notes sur internet, le web et ses langages (no longer updated) - nederlandstalig zijn incidentele verwijzingen naar geschriften van en over j.k. harsman - most pages on the site are written in english - so is harsman's london diary - thank you


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